10 Disruptive Business Models

  1. Education (6)
    1. Disruptive Education Model
    2. Examples
      1. http://ibooks.com/
      2. http://academicearth.org/
      3. Vocabu
      4. http://ed.ted.com/
      5. http://www.skillshare.com/
    3. Search
  2. Banking  (17)
    1. Disruptive Banking Business Model
      1. https://www.saveup.com/
      2. https://www.simple.com/
      3. https://holvi.com/
      4. http://www.bitcoin.com/
      5. http://www.google.fr/wallet/
  3. Technology (28)
    1. Disruptive Technology Business Model
  4. Media (39)
    1. Disruptive Media Business Model
  5. Cable & Telco (50)
    1. Disruptive Cable & Telco Business Model
  6. Medical (61)
    1. Disruptive Media Business Model
  7. Travel (72)
    1. Disruptive Travel Business Model
  8. Government (83)
    1. Disruptive Government Business Model
  9. Consumer goods (94)
    1. Disruptive Consumer Goods Business Model
  10. Retail (105)
    1. Retail Business Model
      Retail Business Model

Source : http://www.thaesis.nl/en/ -> https://twitter.com/oukearts

How to Accelerate a Startup by Steve Blank

To put it mildly, startups have changed in the near-decade since Steve Blank wrote the entrepreneurs’ Bible, « The Four Steps to the Epiphany. » Web and mobile startups have proliferated, web services and tools abound, and entrepreneurs everywhere now develop a Minimum Viable Product, then follow Steve’s advice and « get out of the building » to solicit customer feedback on product, features, marketing and much more, iterating and pivoting their product and business model as they learn. But over the last two years Steve also developed the Lean LaunchPad class at Stanford and has yet again changed the way entrepreneurship is thought about, taught and done. Join us as he explains why the National Science Foundation has adopted his class and pay 100 teams of top scientists and engineers $50,000 per team to attend.

Telling Your Story – Pitching to investors

Telling Your Story – Pitching to investors

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  • Start from BM canvas
  • Don’t show model all at once
  • Tell it like a story
  • Start with Customer segments -> Market size
  • Then Value proposition per segment
  • How do you monetize this -> Revenues per segment
  • Explain what you learn from your testing / show that you validated your hypothesis about customer pains (test, fail, adjust)
  • Show market size/ market potential -> Huge