5 Rules of Thumb for Startup Financial Projections

5 Rules of Thumb for Startup Financial Projections Marty Zwilling

Quote: « Most entrepreneurs struggle with financial projections, not wanting to commit to numbers they can’t deliver, and having no clue what investors might consider reasonable. However, making no projections, or non-credible projections will get your startup marked as unfundable. I recommend a simple set of guidelines, which work for at least 80 percent of the business plans I see

The rules are obviously not absolute, but you must be prepared to explain to potential investors why your startup is the exception to these guidelines:

  • Five-year financial projections are the norm
  • Aggressive revenue projections and growth rate.
  • Gross margins greater than 50 percent.
  • Show red ink to match your funding request.
  • Build a path to 10x return »

Details here : http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/3343099?utm_hp_ref=tw

Le guide CIR 2013 du MESR : un outil à manier avec précaution | Le blog du Crédit d’Impôt Recherche


Le guide CIR 2013 du MESR : les enjeux pour les entreprises

Le ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche (MESR) vient de mettre en ligne le guide qu’il consacre au Crédit d’Impôt Recherche (guide du Crédit d’Impôt Recherche 2013).

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